
Last updated : 14 July 2006 By Plymouth_hammer

Username: Notorious

Length of time registered with Footy Mad: nearly a year now

Age range: 22-39

Place of birth: Edinburgh

Current residence: Maidstone

Length of time supported the Hammers: I support Millwall!

All time favourite player: Terry Hurlock( Millwall personified)

Current favourite player: Marvin Williams

Best all time Hammers 11:

Favourite footballer: Maradonna

Most disliked footballer: Stan Collymore

Favourite other sportsman/woman: Valentino Rossi/Muhammed Ali

Most disliked other sportsman/woman: Schumacer( cheating german ****)

Favourite TV programme: Anything that keeps the boy quiet for an hour or two.

Favourite website: or

Music preference: electro house. techno punk.

A short piece about yourself: my little toe.